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Raleigh Egypt in 2005 TSSAA State Tournament at Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
















Highlight Video Information


Contact Information Keith Jefferson / 901-355-4560 /                                        Email: "Keith Jefferson" <koolkj1@hotmail.com>

1) Opening - A still shot of your athlete with basic information such as name, age, high school, G.P.A., height, weight, times (40 yard dash, bench, squat, etc.), and seasonal statistics.

2) Highlights - The highlight section is a series of plays arranged according to your preference (usually your athlete's most impressive plays should be shown first. Slow motion may also be added if it enhances the impressiveness of the play.                                                                                                       **Note: Approximately, 5-8 football plays can be shown in 1 minute ..... approximately 8-11 basketball plays can be shown in 1 minute.

3) Closing - Your highlight video will end with a still shot of your athlete along with his/her phone number and home address. You may also include contact information for up to 2 of your athlete's coaches.

4) Copies - Each highlight video order comes with 2 labeled copies. You may order as many or as few additional videotape copies or DVD copies as you need up to a month after your initial order. After a month, additional copies may still be ordered, but at a minimum of 5 at a time

Contact Information Keith Jefferson / 901-355-4560 /                                        Email: "Keith Jefferson" <koolkj1@hotmail.com>











Editing Rates & Packages















Editing Rates & Packages                                                                             

Length Length Charge
01:00 - 05:00 Minutes of Highlights + posted to site $200.00
05:01 - 10:00 Minutes of Highlights, posted to site + university database (bronze) $300.00
10:01 - 15:00 Minutes of Highlights, posted to site, university database (silver) + submitted to search engines $400.00
15:01 - 20:00 Minutes of Highlights, posted to site, university database (gold) + submitted to search engines including Google $475.00
Filming Rates   Charge
Single Game   $75.00
4 Game Package   $50.00 / game
Additional Options   Charge
VHS Copy   $15.00
DVD Copy   $20.00
Player Interviews   $30.00















Packages consist of college contacts to forward video in tier amounts. Extra services are included.



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