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2006 MemphisHoopers.com / Magic in Las Vegas, Nevada.



2006 Hoopers

                 SEPTEMBER 2006                   





Tennessee Players NOW Connected to

Coaches across the Country







Do not miss this opportunity to be exposed to colleges across the country.  Coming to the Tennessee Elite Exposure Camp means that you will face off against the top high school competition in your state.  You will have your picture taken and your own personal profile created on our website for all of our registered coaches around the country to see.  You will also go through an individual workout with our experienced staff members as well as given a lecture on what you exactly need to do to qualify for college basketball.  Player rankings will be sent out to all colleges in our database after our camp.  Do not miss your chance to be ranked as one of Tennessee’s Top 150 High School Players by Triple Double!!


            Location:  White Station High School

          Date:         Saturday October 21st

          When:       9 am – 5 pm       (8:15 Registration Saturday)

          Cost:          $60.00

Enrollment Limited to 150 Participants!!!


Name_____________________________ Grade______ Age______ Birth date ____/____/____ Gender M or F


Address_________________________________ City__________________ State__________ Zip________________________


Email_______________________________________        Phone ____________________________________________________


High School ___________________________________   High School Coach _________________________________________


AAU Team _____________________________________  AAU Coach ________________________________________________


Height __________                 Weight ________________                GPA ________________       SAT ______________________________


Desired User Name ______________________________ Desired Password ___________________________________________


Payment enclosed: $___________                                                                           

Make Cashiers check or Money order  payable to Triple Double Basketball LLC NO PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED!

Any Questions or to Register by Phone: Call LeShone Bynum 901 830-0531


Send Form and Checks to:             Triple Double Basketball LLC

                                                                2828 Morning Glow Dr Suite 103

                                                                Cordova, TN 38016